Annapolis Anniversary Weekend

Dress: SWF / Bag: Amazon

I can’t believe June 26th has come and gone! We’re officially 1 year married and it’s the most bittersweet. I’ll miss our wedding day forever, but the best really is yet to come for us! I loved every aspect of planning and executing our wedding week but being married to Drew is way more fun than planning a big party (that’s a big compliment coming from me!!) If you weren’t around during the planning, go back and read about where, when & what went on with our wedding!

This year was filled with so much change and so many challenges, like moving to Blacksburg, Drew graduating undergrad, some new medical milestones, and spending my first nights alone with Drew having to take on some night shifts. BUT there were also some super special milestones like getting to decorate our first apartment together, going on our honeymoon & moving to Bethany!

Being at the beach with all our friends this summer (incase you missed it read this post on our move!) we really wanted to get a little further away from the Delaware shore to celebrate our first anniversary. We decided to spend the night in Annapolis (about a 2 hour drive from our home at the beach!) and it turned out to be such a romantic weekend!

We stayed at the Hilton in downtown Annapolis, which was great! For meals, Drew had lunch at McGarvey’s and the Boatyard Grill, and we went to Dinner at The Chart House. Fun fact, my parents love Chart Houses and go to them whenever they’re in a city with one. So they have a long list of Chart houses around the country that they’ve eaten in haha! I love them because the atmosphere is so beautiful and there’s so much to look at since I’m not eating.

During the daytime we walked around the shops - and had some success finding little things for our mantel at home! And the morning after our stay at the Hilton we took one of the harbor cruises around which was very sweet.

I pray we never let our anniversaries become mundane and that we always find sweet ways to celebrate!