Blacksburg Apartment Reveal

A peak into our first official home as a family!

It has the best light, we have a fuzzy carpet that makes you want to take off your socks, a random single cabinet that i’ve come to love, and i’ve been learning how to cook because i love our dishes so much and it brings me joy to use them. While it doesn’t photograph as well as i’d like, out little one-bedroom is styled with blues, gold and whites, creating a cozy coastal atmosphere that makes us want to wear our fancy pajamas and play Frank Sinatra on our google home while dinner’s in the oven. And clearly, it’s all Millie approved!

Blacksburg isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but it’s made me rely on Drew in a way I wouldn’t have had to before, and I really do love this cozy apartment. Still a work in progress, with Gray Malin’s “Lady in Lily” waiting to be hung in the bathroom, i’m excited to watch us build on this decor foundation throughout our next year here… and then to bring it with us wherever we head next! I love Drew’s patience with me as I say no to things I was sure about before we pressed “order”, and his willingness for me to throw in touches of pink or choose the lighter blue.

Not a day goes by where we don’t talk about our dreams for our next place… mainly having room for a table!



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