Wedding update - Bridal Luncheon Invites

The most palm beach-esque girls lunch invitations i’ve ever seen! Just so in love and so grateful again for all the work Emily at Feathered Heart Prints has been doing for me!

With COVID precautions still on our radar, we got stuck talking about what to do as far as my bridal shower. Personally, drive by showers are just maybe the tackiest concept known to man, and I absolutely refuse. The next best option as far as safety is to have people over for an outdoor celebration with masks, but then we wouldn’t be able to serve refreshments (because everyone would be pulling their masks down), and at that point, why are we having one?

Similar to the wedding, i’m an “all or nothing” type of girl and if it’s not going to be perfect, why have it at all!? So I forfeited the idea of a bridal shower. Until we cut back on the guest list to just family and put COVID-safe protocols in place for the wedding week- then it made perfect sense! The shower IS PART of wedding week!

With all the other festivities going on that week, the best date to have it is on June 25th, our wedding eve; what better way to spend your last day single! With the reception being at the wedding house the following day, it’s simply too chaotic to host the shower there as well. So the Bridal Shower Luncheon will be at Drew’s family’s rental home. If you’re confused what i’m talking about, you can read a little more about the housing arrangements in this post!

We’ll be combining the elements of a traditional shower as well as a Bridal Luncheon typically thrown the morning of the rehearsal dinner. All the women invited to the wedding are invited to the shower, so it’ll be a fun little girls morning to kick off the weekend! We have some of my aunts lined up to cook a few dishes that Thursday night, and i’m sending the boys Friday morning to fetch the cake & scones. Can’t can’t can’t wait! (Are you getting that from all these wedding posts!?)

Emily helped me design these invites, sent out in pink envelopes + a touch of confetti in each one. You’ll most likely find it in 10 years, on my jewelry table in a lucite frame. I mean, that pink!! I want to look at it all the time!!

