Hand Block Printed Tablecloths

With the big move to Bethany coming up Drew and I are ordering every linen under the moon! New sheets, towels, pillows, and this week I ventured down the road of… tablecloths! We’re going from a 1 room, doorless apartment to a 4 bedroom with a full size living area, so we’ve been getting a lot of furniture.

Since it’s such a huge jump and we’re needing so many things to fill the space, there are some things that are slacking, mainly our kitchen/dining table… It’s ugly. We’re spicing it up with some chairs we love, including some fun rattan head seats that we know we’ll be dragging around house to house with us until we’re old and gray!

Like I said, the table is u-g-l-y. I call it the “crayola table” because it’s such a generic, block piece with absolutely nothing flattering about it. And all of our wood furniture is white, meanwhile this table is orange lacquer. Yes, you heard that right. The worst. Buying a new table isn’t in our budget right now, so I plan to have it covered with a tablecloth 24/7/365 to hide the awful color haha!

On my hunt I found myself gravitating towards the block prints, for their classic style that blends so well with coastal decor but remains chic. After watching a video on how these block prints are created (HAND STAMPED) I couldn’t settle for anything less! Now knowing how tricky it was to narrow down the options and find the perfect color-way that compliments but doesn’t match your living decor, I thought I’d roundup my top picks of hand block printed table linens.

This was quite the buy-and-return process for me since I was searching for such a specific color scheme, so although I ultimately only kept 2 of these for our soon-to-be crayola table, I can attest to all of their quality and beautiful colors!


My favorite has to be by SZ Blockprints. It’s actually a funny story how I found it— I was looking at dresses online and found this dress (same exact pattern) and said to my mom, “This would be the perfect tablecloth”. Then went on to google “SZ Blockprints Tablecloth” and BAM it actually EXISTS! What are the odds!? This will be our primary table look, as it compliments our decor and my dishes so well!