Bethany Design Boards

Moving day is just THREE DAYS AWAY! The boxes are piling up and Drew and I are having such a blast playing music in the kitchen and wrapping everything in a million layers of bubble wrap. Currently set up on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars while he eats a frozen dinner on a TV tray. Ha!

Before the actual moving in ad setting up starts rolling I wanted to share these fun little design boards i’ve been obsessed with playing with over the last few months. I became Canva’s best friend and am basically incapable of making any decisions without referencing my “dream boards” now. It’s almost a problem.

We’ve been by the house a few times so I had a good idea of the room sizes and general positioning of things, which really helped! As far as the “scheme”, I love having a classic, blue-based living area, pink is unavoidable (I just gravitate towards it!!), and my dishes are green and navy so we wanted to incorporate green all around so the dinnerware fits in forever.

Biggest things: just because it’s a house at the beach, doesn’t mean it has to be a “beach house”! We love the beach (duh) but man man man I hate white-washed anything and don’t want anything to look too “beachy” to be placed into a future home of ours. Classic is everything. Yes, there will be little hints of seashells, seagrass and rattan, but this is our home, not a vacation rental.

And with that, I give you… a few of my precious design boards!! All subject to change when the real thing comes to life. I guess we’ll see! Stay tuned for future "room tour” posts for full details and product links!


Pillows: Roller Rabbit at Bloomingdales