What we're up to this summer

Now we’re married and living in Bethany Beach!

Drew and I have spent our summers living at Delaware beaches since we were young. It’s a whole different feeling moving there in May and knowing you have the whole season ahead of you! With our wedding in June and not wanting to go to Blacksburg any sooner than we have to (ew. Blacksburg in the summer..), Drew joined beach patrol for a private beach between Bethany and Middlesex and we’re living here for the summer! Any kind of stereotype, movie scene or idea that came into your head when you read that, is probably pretty close to accurate. This has been an experience for sure! …But there’s one more thing…

We’re actually living in the house, with all the other lifeguards. HA! If you know me, or have simply been following along for some time now, you can understand that is SO not me! We’re in a big house right on the bay with 10 roommates, once of them Drew’s cousin (and one of our best friends), Ben. And Ben is actually sharing a room with us haha. Yeah, that’s kind of embarrassing to admit but it’s also hilarious and I’m sure we’ll all laugh about it at Christmas when we’re forty. Our room is on the first floor, and has a queen bed and a futon- Ben is on the futon. Poor guy.

Drew works almost everyday, but some of my best friends live right in town and my mom’s been coming down a few days a week for some sun-time (obvi) so it’s been a blast. I take Millie swimming in the bay almost every morning, and then head to the beach for the afternoon and sit behind Drew’s stand. Feels surreal sometimes that we get to do this.

I’ve been going to church every week with our next-door neighbor, Ms. Betty. She came to the front door when everyone first moved in with a bag of apples and some danishes, & an index card with the church service info all written out. That Sunday we met in the driveway, she drove me to church, and paraded me around introducing me to all her friends. Those were actually some of the people i’ve gotten closest with so far- Mr. Gary and Mr. Ray especially. They’re always calling to check up on me during the week and telling me how disappointed they are that we have to share a room with Benjamin as newlyweds haha. Mr. Gary and I met at VBS- I volunteered at the church’s camp for the week in early July. It was fun, and an easy way to show my face around church. I love the security of having adults in town if I ever needed something, or just wanted some company at the pool. The church we’re attending isn’t my very favorite, but it’s the community that’s so important, especially since it’s just until the fall.

I’m grateful for Ms. Betty, the way she loves me through really tight hugs in the driveway, all the treats she brings over to the house “for those hard working boys”, and the way she loves Jesus & evangelizes even after I tell her i’m saved haha. She’s also really invested in my disease, and asks thoughtful questions in an attempt to learn more to know me better. That’s the best kind of friend you can have, I think. If you’ve been reading my blog since the beginning you may remember a friend I made on an inpatient unit as a teenager, Carolyn. Her and Ms. Betty have many similarities. I wish I could go over and have tea in the breakfast nook with them both.

Let you know if anything crazy happens, meanwhile I’ll be working on my tan.

