Meet Millie!

Meet my new best friend, my sidekick, my comes-everywhere-with-me girl, Millie Marie!

I’ve been on the waitlist for a golden retriever puppy for a few months, expecting to bring one home this coming fall. My mom works at an animal hospital doing all of their ultrasounds, so she’s right in the gossip when sweet puppies come in. A few weeks ago my mom called me from work, saying a yellow lab (mix) puppy came in with a foreign body obstruction, needed emergency surgery, and the owners surrendered her up to the hospital. They didn’t want to pay for all the work up, when in the end this little girl might not have survived all the surgeries anyhow. All the hustle and bustle around the emergency room was “WHO gets to take this puppy home if she survives”!? - And in the end, some girls came to my mom to tell her they thought Millie would be the perfect fit for me.. and they wanted me to have her!

When she called to ask me what I thought, there was a lot of “IF she makes it” comments. Her surgeries to reverse the obstruction were pretty serious, and the risk of infection were high. So it was pretty much a 50/50 chance of survival. But, as us Burnett girls do, little Millie survived and got to come home to me! She’s about 20 lbs, with her maximum weight estimating to be just under 30. She’s got a ton of personality, is super food motivated, and loves J.Crew just as much as me- I see so many matching Liberty Fabric bandanas in our future! Now off to buy all the pink, champagne-themed stuffed toys to play with!

Thank you Eliana for capturing these precious photos of me and my best friend! Millie, you and me forever little girl.

