My mom's COVID graduation

Documenting something so special for our family, especially in the height of COVID.. My Mom has graduated with her Bachelors degree in Ultrasound from Notre Dame of Maryland University! We are beaming with pride!

When my Mom was in college, sonography wasn’t a bachelors degree- just a certificate. Which seems crazy since it’s a specialized school, similar to an OT or PT school. But a little less than 10 years ago it became an official bachelors program, and my mom decided when I went away to college she would pick up some classes of her own and officially get her bachelors degree! Ironically, I didn’t end up going to school, but my Mom still did and this day was a day of celebration!

During my Mom’s few years taking classes at NDMU, I was hospitalized for a total of 7 months, helped me through 6+ surgery recoveries, and we traveled back and forth to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota 10+ times. All of those nights in the hospital, she would use her phone as a flashlight while I slept and do her homework in that terrible chair in the corner of the room. She would wake up before I did to get work done & study, so that she could take care of me when I needed. She would help me all day, and then drive in traffic during rush hour to get to class at night- and then she’d come back afterwards to sleep at the hospital with me.

Not only did my mom go back to school for no reason other than a pure patt-on-the-back “i did it” award, she did it through the stress and struggles of our family - while putting us first everyday. Not to mention, her grades were comically good. Haha.

When COVID hit and her graduation was, of course, cancelled, it was only fair to make the day as simplicity special as we could at home. Starting the day with hair & makeup (because during quarantine, that hasn’t exactly been happening!), then photos outside on our graduation-art walk. She may never be the one to say “I want us to take pictures” but it’s not graduation without photos of yourself in a silly cap!

My dad grilled and we made all the homemade salads- potato, summer corn, watergate. Then my brother and sister-in-law surprised her with a drive by. We spent the afternoon in the yard talking, and ended the day with a bonfire & s’mores. She deserved 100 people who love her all crammed in the kitchen eating pings in a blanket and graduation cake, but I think she was pretty excited the day didn’t fly by without going unnoticed. Mama, we love you, we’re proud of you, and we hope you felt celebrated!

