Spring break...and my tube came out!

My parents, Drew and I went on a cruise for spring break! We always go on Princess Cruise lines and loveee it. So fun bringing Drew along with us this year too! We went to the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, & Jamaica.

The trip was 11 days all together, since we drove down to Ft. Lauderdale to get on the ship. The first few days on the ship were great, but I started having a lot of pain at my G tube. I kind of shook it off because we were having so much fun, but by the third night of the cruise I checked on my stomach to see a purple, golfball size bulge right at my tube. It was SO freaky!! We went down to the infirmary on the ship and this really nice doctor saw me but had no idea what he was looking at. He put me on antibiotics and basically told me to drink water and hopefully the “swelling” would go down! So that night we went out to dinner, dancing, and had a blast- but I was in SO much pain.

Going to bed that night, I laid there on the pullout couch near my parent’s bed praying and praying to the Lord that He would take my pain away. I was so scared of the pain. Well.. in the morning, my mom came to wake me up and helped me sit upright. I felt so much better that I looked down, relieved, expecting to see the purple bulge gone…. and my TUBE WAS GONE. OUT. My abdomen was covered in blood, and we found my G tube laying in my sheets. Somehow, my tube worked its way out (balloon fully inflated), in my sleep without waking me up, and I woke up PAIN FREE! What a crazy weird way to answer my prayer!!

Truly a trip and a mishap I will never, ever forget.

We went back to the infirmary where he bandaged me up, and then spent the rest of the cruise without a G tube, since, well we were in the middle of the atlantic ocean. When we got back to the mainland, we drove back to Maryland from Ft. Lauderdale and our first stop before home was Hopkins- in true Jaime Burnett fashion I suppose!