Turned 19!

Writing tonight from our hotel room in Rochester, Minnesota after a long day at the Mayo Clinic! It feels like 17 degrees outside and we woke up to the view of a snow-covered rooftop. As terrible as I am at handling the cold, being here has gotten me so excited for snowed-in / hot cocoa days this coming season!

A little over a week ago I reached 19 (woot woot!) so here are 19 things i've learned/experienced/decided that I jotted down in no specific order!

  1. Not everyone peaks in high school! You know how there were those girls that had luscious blond hair and wore jeans that somehow gave them a 3-inch waist meanwhile there you were with your brown birds’ nest of a head and ‘mom jeans’ that looked nothing like what was in style? That’s ok. It just wasn’t your time. It’ll come! Maybe in college, maybe in your first year of working, maybe you’ll be the best mom on the block, there are so many life phases coming up, and you can conquer something better than being the high school prom queen. After high school, popularity isn’t a thing and your social status doesn’t really matter. Swallow that!!

  2. Set aside special time for the people who bring out more than just your ‘fun’ side. I’ve learned that it doesn’t take any special kind of person to get you hyped to have a good time. I spent too much time trying to fit in with people who would only bring out my ‘fun’ side and didn’t nurture my inner, spiritual self. Be with people who encourage you to feed your relationship with the Lord!

  3. There’s more to life than a good party. Maybe you get home from a night out and you lay there wondering if you can do something better? Well you can! There is something better. Look into joining a small group!

  4. You may not be friends with anyone from high school after high school…and that is ok. Don’t sweat it. If you’re not feelin it, let the friendships fade. Meet new people who will better fit into THIS phase of your life. Grow in the now with them.

  5. If I have to wake up any time before 5 AM I just stay up all night.

  6. Getting rid of old t-shirts is heartbreaking. Like that snapple t-shirt I won at the high school homecoming game when I was in sixth grade? How could you ever throw that away?! Or the after prom tee I stole from my neighbor after a sleepover? Or my ex-boyfriend’s step brother’s best friend’s long sleeve that I swear is softer than any blanket at target?

  7. Banana bread is an underrated food in the world of breads! THE SMELLLLLL

  8. Just being calm cool and collected is way easier and more fun than being a jerk. Being mean argumentative and stubborn makes life so difficult and your days so long.

  9. Saying yes to whatever God throws your way is the best way to follow the path He has set for you. In the past 6 months, i've become friends with people 4 times my age, gotten the job of my dreams as a stylist for J.crew, and met the love of my life. I swear it’s crazy what can happen when you literally just let things go the way He wants them to go.

  10. My life changed at an elevation worship concert and I encourage everyone in the world to go to one. I don’t care if you have to drive six hours and stay in two hotels, GO. It will blow your mind and make you wanna fall on your knees for Jesus Christ. He is so present.

  11. It might take you a little while to find your ‘thing’. I used to think my ‘thing’ was running. Then God was like, “haha…no, here’s a life-changing medical condition that makes it difficult to move your legs further than the duration of your driveway” and got me addicted to my computer and fashion blogs and here I am!

  12. People will always have something to say. Sometimes they’ll say it to your face, other times they’ll say it to someone else’s face about your face. Live for your own approval. Make your own decisions.

  13. White sneakers CAN stay white forever.

  14. Doing what makes you feel pretty is SO important! Make this your season of white teeth, clean-cut sweaters and $200 denim. Spritz on some perfume and wear big earrings!

  15. Patience. Sometimes there's a pressure to do things "on schedule", like going to college the year after you graduate high school or to recover from a surgery within 6-8 weeks. But you know what God's taught me lately you guys? Schedules are full of baloney.

  16. I am emotionally attached to the characters of gossip girl. Probably a trauma bond from watching too much of it while I was admitted.

  17. Contrary to popular belief, your mom can actually be your best friend.

  18. You can meet new people/develop friendships and relationships A N Y W H E R E. And they probably won’t be anything like you had in mind for a friend, but they have the potential to be your greatest blessing. Old ladies, thirty-year-old dudes and anyone in-between. Stay honest, be transparent and allow people you hardly know to learn more and love more about you.

  19. Things don’t always end the way you want them to. three months ago, I was admitted to the hospital by a group of specialists that said they wanted to cure me. Today, I am not cured. I left the hospital with one more tube in my abdomen than I went in with, an incision on my lower belly, a few near-death experiences and a black belly-button. But we power through it, because it’s all in God’s plan!?

Prayer is powerful- thank you to everyone who has and is praying for me and my family! Cheers to 19!

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