Mediport Placement

This week I had a mediport placed. A mediport is essentially an extremely long-term IV placed below my collarbone. I have bad veins, because I have IV’s placed and blood drawn so often, so nowadays it takes 3+ tries to get a line in. Because I’ll be getting my iron and IVIG all summer, that’s alotta pokes, and it was the best move to get a mediport put in. There was an expected level of discomfort, but right from the get-go this thing has HURT.

I’m talking 7/10 pain, starting about 8 inches down from my chin, crawling all the way up to my armpit, and then up my neck to my ear. I can’t touch it, move it, anything. It hurts so badly. We called that evening to tell the surgeon, who called the next morning and had me come back in to look at it. He did an ultrasound to check for any clotting, which there wasn’t, and gave me some oxy to get me through the next few days - it’s nice to have a little help sleeping through this discomfort and throbbing pain. As of this morning my whole right side is black & blue, and the pain remains constant. I don’t even know what else to say. It hurts, so badly. So badly. Please pray the pain subsides so we can start using my port and making life easier rather than just adding another problem!

