Relentlessly Sassy

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Clear Liquids I like

Imagine having the doctor tell you that you no longer digest food properly and can only have liquids.. HA!

And not even the good kinds of liquids- no milkshakes, or smoothies, or tomato soup. I’m talking sugar and water. You have to avoid pulp, so you can’t have fresh juice, which baaaaasically limits your options to soda and juice boxes. It’s crazy to really think about how normal that is for me, and how other people just, like, ….eat ?

Most of you reading this are probably on a clear liquid diet, but for those who don’t know much about it, here’s some extra info -
How come I can have water and sugar but not a milkshake? Well, water and sugar are simply absorbed, whereas a milkshake has to be digested - and my stomach doesn’t digest, so it’ll just make me really sick.

I went on about a year of clear liquids before I realized I could expand my menu to more than just juice boxes and water. It’s not exactly glamorous, but at least this way I can get something to crunch on (good to have an excuse to use your teeth!) and it kinda makes me feel like i’m eating a snack!

The key is to switch things around semi-frequently so you don’t burn out and swear off one of your very few options.

This list is also helpful for short-term LD’s also! (cases like a clean out, pre and post-op, all that stinky stuff).

7-11 Slurpees

When Drew & I first started dating I was on a total slurpee kick and we went to 7-11 at least twice a day! Haha, we even kept a plastic cup in the car to collect change to use just on slurpees.

These things are great because they really fill you up, and they never contain any types of cream so you don’t have to worry about checking nutrition per flavor! (And, it’s 7-11, so they’re CHEAP!)

Minute Maid lemonade popsicles

OK if you’ve never had these, I don’t care if you can eat real food or not, GO GETTUM!

These are basically tubes of frozen lemonade haha, but they always remind me of summer as a little kid. My favorite are the strawberry flavored ones, but they also come in regular lemonade and cherry-limeade!

(I also got my dad kinda hooked on these - he eats the flavors I don’t like heh)

Luigi’s Italian Ice

I’m not typically a fan of italian ice, I think the texture is weird, but if I’m really hankering for something chocolate I’ll eat one of these in the “chocolate fudge” flavor.

Disclamer : I don’t think they taste anything like chocolate, but it’s been a long time since I’ve actually had any so I might be wrong lol. I’m not the person to ask about that one.

Snowballs / Snowcones / Shaved ice

It’s been brought to my attention recently that apparently snowballs are a Maryland thing? Which I think is so dumb because they’re basically liquid gold. SO good.

My favorite flavor is wedding cake - it tastes just like I remember icing tasting!

If you’re not from Maryland, i’ll link my at-home snowball machine here and the best website to buy flavors from here.

These still aren't food, BUT they’re refreshing in the summertime, give ya something to crunch, and give you a good little way that you can eat something with other people!