Ace Bandage Wraps


Feeding tubes.

People get them all over the place, it just depends where your stomach is. Some people have them towards the left, some towards the right, some right through their bellybutton, some higher or lower. Going into surgery, I told my surgeons, “do not go through my belly button.” And they didn’t! PHEW. Kind of a weird request, but I kinda like my belly button lol.

Mine is about 3 finger widths above my belly button, on the left side. I like the way it looks where it is.. I think it’s sort of balanced.

My biggest struggle since getting my G-J tube placed has been CLOTHES! Nothing high waisted, because it’ll dig right under my tube and into the stoma. Ouch. Nothing with a structured waist because it’ll pull my tube up, down, left, right every time my shirt moves. It’s so difficult (especially because I LOVE clothes!)

I live most of my life in dresses, but sometimes that’s just not practical. SO, the trick I will praise until the day I die, ace bandage wraps!! They block (most of) the discomfort from clothes pushing and pulling, and also help keep my extension flat to my skin so it isn’t moving and pulling my port in different directions.

If you’ve been struggling with clothes, what you can and can’t wear, ect. I highly recommend you try wearing these!

Most drug stores stopped carrying the velcro type I like to use, so I buy mine on amazon! I’ll like them here.