Festive Everything... Even IV Poles

Remember back in elementary school, when breaking your arm was cool? You got to pick out your color cast, and at school everyone would sign your hot pink arm and doodle rainbows and flowers all over it during reading group.

Well, I don’t have a broken arm, BUT a small perk that comes with medical devices is the fun accessorizing ;) Especially around the holidays!

I first saw someone spruce up their IV pole last year and ohh my it was the cutest thing! So this year, especially with being home so much more than I have been past years, I stole this cute door hanger off one of our towel closets and zzzzzing! I’m in love!

More often than not, I hate this thing. It’s bulky and impossible to get into the bathrooms in my house haha, but making it pretty makes me hate her a liiiittle bit less.

And, the thing I talk about alll the freaking time, these patches! These are my very very favorite feeding tube accessory, and even more during the holidays! Themed patches just make me happy.

Anyways! I just recommend you try spicing up the crummy parts of your life in this special season. Definitely lifts the mood.. and who wouldn’t opt for a cute IV pole?

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