Dressember Campaign

Today I’m participating in #dressember by wearing a dress to raise awareness and funds for human trafficking victims. In 2020 over 100,000 victims were identified worldwide, 70% of them women and girls. Over 50% of cyber sex trafficking victims are between the ages of 1-12. Can you believe that?

Dressember is a foundation that raises funds for those impacted by human trafficking. Every gift matters as it all adds up. I’m participating today because I believe that everyone is worthy and deserves freedom. TWO ways you can make a difference are by giving and educating yourself on the realities of sex trafficking. Education is key to spreading awareness, and awareness is key to putting an end to human trafficking.

Financial gifts help fund rescue missions, provide medical care to survivors, cover lawyer fees, provide counseling resources and funding for law enforcement training to detect traffickers. You can go to Dressember.org and click “Donate” if you or anyone you know is willing and able to give🤍 #untileveryoneisfree

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